Buklod members from Beaconsfield participate in team building


Date Posted: January 29, 2023

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For the benefit of its members, the Buklod organization from the Beaconsfield Congregation, in the Ottawa Ecclesiastical District, in Canada, opened the year for the married couples by hosting a team building activity on January 8, 2023.

The said activity, which began with the teaching of a Bible-based lecture for the married couples, was held at the place of worship of the Pointe Claire Congregation. Currently, brethren enlisted in Beaconsfield hold gatherings in the said neighboring local congregation as their place of worship is currently under renovation.

In his lecture, Brother Glen Nobello, Beaconsfield resident minister, reminded the couples that, as parents to the Lord, they are expected to lead their respective households in having and maintaining a Christian way of life.

After the lecture, several interactive games were facilitated for the couples by the Buklod officers.

“Through this activity we aim to encourage married couples to make their marital bond solid by learning the value of good rapport and excellent communication,” said Brother Nobello.

Buklod members in our local congregation felt joy in this activity. We are thankful to the Church Administration for constantly inspiring and guiding us through activities like this,” Jerry Severo, Beaconsfield Congregation’s Buklod president, said.—With reports from INC News Section