Choose friends wisely: KADIWA, Binhi from Tokyo, Japan District reminded


Date Posted: October 7, 2022

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Young Church members in the Ecclesiastical District of Tokyo, Japan received timely reminders on choosing a friend wisely and carefully during the KADIWA and Binhi Forum sponsored by the Christian Family Organizations (CFO) and held on September 18, 2022.

Gathered at their respective houses of worship, the participants watched a video presentation prepared for them by the Church Administration. It showed them the importance of going with good friends chosen wisely and carefully. One of these foremost of which is not being influenced into having vices or bad habits and committing sins that ruin not only their future but most of all their Christian faith.

“The video presentation is very timely because all that they say are the problems of the youth are exactly what we see happening around us. We cannot let others influence us in doing the same, because we are members of the Church Of Christ,” conveyed Shaira Dabu, KADIWA President of the Yokosuka Congregation.

The KADIWA and Binhi members who served as resource speakers in the video presentation also discussed some of the traits of a true friend: helpful at all times, does not condone their friends’ wrongdoings, instead always encourage them to do good, and more importantly, gives high regard to Christian values.

A tip given to the viewers should they be searching for good friends is to be active in CFO activities, in order to meet and bond with fellow Church members.

Giving testimony to this advice’s efficacy, Seiko Sasaki from the Local Congregation of Yokohama said, “One of my closest friends who is all with me through life’s ups and downs is Midori Isorena, who is a Church officer such as myself, and is active as well in CFO events.” — With reports from INC News Section