England, Wales brethren learn Italian language


Date Posted: February 28, 2021

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Discovering something new as they make their stay at home worthwhile, brethren from the Local Congregation of Newport, Wales and Group Worship Services of Swansea, Wales and Bristol, England in the Ecclesiastical District of United Kingdom took up a quick Italian language course on February 7, 2021.

Italian-speaking brethren led the activity wherein they taught the Italian alphabet along with basic Italian words for conversation to other members such as days of the week, food, and beverages.

The participants were thankful for the chance to learn a new language while strengthening their camaraderie as they unite with the activity launched by the Church Administration.

Italian language is a Romance Language spoken mainly in Italy and widely in Europe. There are about 63 million people whose first language is Italian, making it around the 20th most spoken language in the world. — With reports from INC News Section