South Korea marks CEA anniversary thru special gatherings


Date Posted: December 11, 2022

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In commemoration of the 36th anniversary of the Christian Employees Association (CEA), its members from each of the 18 local congregations in the Ecclesiastical District of South Korea held special gatherings on November 20, 2022.

These were officiated at by supervising district minister, Brother Roderick Yome; other members of the district staff; and other ministers of the gospel.

Through the Bible-based lesson the officiating ministers delivered, the CEA members received timely and helpful reminders that they should uphold the Christian work ethic, including honesty and hard work. More importantly, they were encouraged to all the more allot time in performing devotedly their Church duties to sustain their hope for the promised salvation.

“The message in this special gathering is truly significant for us. God’s words are our guide in the right way of doing our work. Most of all, it fosters holy fear so that we will avoid misconduct, even in our workplaces,” Ryan Escarez, district CEA president, said. “We thank the Lord God and the Church Administration for their concern for us. We are strengthened in the faith and the Administration encourages us to be active in serving God.” — With reports from INC News Section