Alaminos City conducts Youth Summit, evangelical mission


Date Posted: June10, 2024

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The Ecclesiastical District of Alaminos City, Pangasinan, in the Philippines, conducted the Christian Family Youth Summit and an evangelical mission on May 31, and June 1, 2024, respectively.

The youth summit brought together KADIWA and Binhi members who brought with them friends as guests to their respective local congregations. All the local congregations, as led by the said youth organizations’ officers, followed a program approved by the Church Administration.

The highlight of the summit was the viewing of a video presentation titled “Faith as Your Mindset,” which taught about the importance of living by faith, so as not to be influenced to do evil deeds, which may lead to depression.

“As a youth member in the Church, I know I’m exposed to all sorts of influence that might endanger my faith,” said Goldwin Bianan, the district KADIWA president who hails from the Local Congregation of Tagudin. “This youth summit proved to be informative as our guide in remaining true to the Christian faith despite the wickedness around us. We were even able to welcome our friends who aren’t yet members of the Church,” he added.

Meanwhile, the evangelical mission that was held in the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Catubig was led by Brother Ricardo Alipio, district supervising minister. There, not only the brethren from the said congregation but also those from the Local Congregations of Tara and Anda brought their guests.

Brother Alipio preached from the Bible that in this chaotic world, the best decision for people is to become members of the true Church as it will lead them to God’s promise of safekeeping, blessings, and salvation on Judgment Day. He expounded from the Bible that the true Church in these last days is the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ).

“I’m so glad that I was able to attend this INC gathering,” said Rogelio Catabay, a guest. “I’m thankful because hearing the preaching, which was truly based on the Bible, will lead me to truly follow the commandments of God.” He and many other guests later on decided to enlist as doctrinal instructees. — With reports from Maricris Ocampo of INC News Section