Australia West holds series of evangelical missions, baptisms


Date Posted: June 17, 2024

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The intensive work of propagating God’s word continues to press forward in the Ecclesiastical District of Australia West as a series of evangelical missions and baptisms were held in May 2024.

Evangelical missions
Church members in various congregations in Papua New Guinea, all of which are under the supervision of the aforementioned district, invited guests to listen to God’s words written in the Bible during evangelical missions. The Wewak Group Worship Service (GWS) held such evangelistic activity on May 22, 2024, while the Local Congregation of Lae City, two days after.

Both gatherings were officiated at by Brother Alvin Gale Santos, ministerial worker, wherein he expounded using verses in the Bible the great importance of being in the Church Of Christ for one to be worthy of serving God and receiving the promised salvation.

Meanwhile, also on May 24, 2024, Brother Romeo Beltran, district supervising minister, officiated at the evangelical mission that was held at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Port Moresby. During the said occasion, he reminded the guests to not be deceived by false teachings. What they must accept and firmly believe in, he taught, are God’s commandments written in the Bible, which the Church Of Christ upholds.

After the event, Khay Bryan, 20-year-old guest, shared how she was “inspired by the will of God” she heard, and decided to enlist as a doctrinal instructee. “This is the right chance. … I want to be with God.”

After undergoing instruction in biblical doctrines and then a probation period, prospective members finally became full-fledged members of the Church Of Christ as same district also conducted baptisms, reaping the fruits of the evangelistic efforts of the brethren.

On May 24, 2024, Apia GWS in Samoa conducted its first baptism at Palolo Deep Marine Reserve. Brother Regino Manangan Jr., district Light of Salvation overseer, officiated at the gathering, wherein he underscored the importance of being baptized into the Church Of Christ, and remaining obedient to God’s commands toward the attainment of the promised salvation.

On May 25, new converts were added into the Church through a baptism held in Mount Hagen GWS, then on May 27, in Port Moresby Congregation’s house of worship. Brother Darhley Pataweg, minister of the gospel, officiated at the former, while Brother Mark Jayson Montes, also a minister, led at the latter.

“We do not stop propagating the gospel because only by knowing the gospel and believing in the truth will people have the chance for salvation,” Brother Beltran said in an interview. — With reports from Quiza Quiñola of INC News Section