Continuing the
Messenger’s mission

The Bible provides at least three ways by which a true messenger of God can be recognized: 1) Through his teaching; 2) whether he has biblical testimony; 3) the works he does/did.


More than half a century has gone by since the passing away of Brother Felix Y. Manalo, God’s Messenger in these last days. Yet, his mission lives on. In every corner of the world today, the message of salvation that he valiantly proclaimed is vigorously disseminated by members of the Church Of Christ, many of whom were not born early enough to meet him in person but, nevertheless, recognize his authority as the man whom God sent to teach us His words in these last days (Isa. 41:9-10; 46:11-13; Rev. 7:2-3).

As it was during the time of the Messenger, today’s members of the Church Of Christ continue to share the true faith with their fellowmen through the Pasugo: God’s Message magazine. Since its inception 80 years ago, the magazine has been an effective tool in disseminating God’s true teachings written in the Bible.

In getting the Good News across, the Church now employs the different media in its work of evangelization. All over the Philippines, numerous radio stations, as well as cable TV stations, broadcast the Church’s religious programs. Telecast and radio materials produced by the Church are also broadcast in many countries outside the Philippines. The Church also runs its own non-profit broadcasting stations, INCTV and INCRadio, which primarily function to air the various religious programs of the Church daily. In addition to these, the Church has also tapped the Internet in its evangelization efforts.

While the media is used by the Church to cover a wider ground so that more people would come to the knowledge of the truth, face-to-face and interpersonal encounters remain the primary means of spreading the Good News of salvation. As it was during the time of Brother Felix Manalo, intensive evangelical missions are conducted regularly by every ecclesiastical district and local congregation of the Church all over the world. These evangelistic campaigns are usually held in large auditoriums, big function halls, sports complexes, and public plazas to accommodate huge crowds.

Also, in the thousands of local congregations of the Church, ministers and ministerial workers preach the pristine gospel to smaller assemblies of people who seek the truth. With the assistance of Church officers and members, these ministers and ministerial workers conduct instructions on biblical doctrines, so that people may become part of the Lord’s flock in these last days.

With the continuing mission now on a global scale, the Church has grown phenomenally and today has reached 151 countries and territories all over the world.

Very much aware of the blessings they have received because of God’s commissioning of Brother Felix Manalo in these last days, members of the Church Of Christ express their gratitude to the Almighty by continuing to abide by His commands and sharing the true faith with their fellowmen. They firmly believe that they are fulfilling what God wants (I Tim. 2:3-4), that is for everyone to be saved by knowing the truth—one of which is what Christ taught: to enter the flock in order to be saved (John 10:7, 9 Revised English Bible). The flock referred to is none other than the Church Of Christ (Acts 20:28 Lamsa Translation).

Propagating the message of salvation is what Brother Felix Manalo upheld while he valiantly preached God’s words. This is also what the Church Of Christ today is upholding and will continue to do so until the end.