New house of worship in Carcar City, Cebu dedicated to God

At Brgy. Bolinawan, Cambuntan, Carcar City, Cebu, Philippines, a new house of worship rose, dedicated to God on December 13, 2024.
‘Be exemplars,’ Metro Manila East CWS officers reminded

CWS officers in Metro Manila East District attended a special gathering, during which they were reminded to be paragons of faith to children, December 10, 2024.
Dedicated to pleasing God: More congregations, houses of worship rise in 2024

The Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) continues unabated in building from the ground up, if not just renovating, houses of worship for doing so is pleasing to God.
New Zealand North commemorate CEA 38th anniversary

CEA officers and members in the New Zealand North District gathered at their respective houses of worship to celebrate their 38th anniversary via special gatherings, November 28, 2024.
Buklod Night in New South Wales fosters stronger bond for couples

Married members in New South Wales, Australia attend a Buklod Night in Penrith on November 24, 2024.
Local congregation, GWS rise in Santo, Vanuatu

Espiritu Santo, Vanuatu Congregation and South Espiritu Santo GWS, both in the Ecclesiastical District of New South Wales, Australia, held inaugural worship services, respectively.
Saskatchewan District establishes new GWS

The Saskatchewan District established the Assiniboia GWS; its inaugural worship service held on November 3, 2024.
District of Tokyo, Japan baptizes converts as October draws to a close

A baptism was held in Tokyo, Japan Ecclesiastical District, at the Saitama Congregation house of worship, October 25, 2024.
Cochrane GWS in Calgary becomes a full-fledged local congregation

The Cochrane Congregation held its inaugural worship service on September 14, 2024 with Brother Voltaire Tamisin, Calgary District supervising minister, officiating.
Brooks GWS gains local congregation status

Brooks GWS has been elevated to local congregation status; its inaugural worship service was held on September 8, 2024.