On being held accountable

We will give account on Judgment Day for all our deeds and the words we have uttered. We will all stand before our Lord Jesus Christ to be…

Got problems? Turn to God!

He who can expect God to help him as he deals with worries and problems is the one who puts his trust in Him. So, if we want God to help us …

Enjoying God’s gifts

From the very beginning, God manifested His desire to bring joy and happiness to the human beings He created …

On having patience and praying

With God, His servants can overcome their worries and frustrations in life. They need to believe in the value and efficacy of praying to Him …

No reason for despair

THE PREVALENCE OF HOPELESSNESS and of people resorting to criminal acts when they find themselves in dire straits can be interpreted as…

What am I here for?

THROUGHOUT HISTORY, many have asked the philosophical question “What am I here for?” If we were to examine what people spend their time …