Never allow the Messenger’s efforts to be in vain
In the face of worsening difficulties nowadays, how can we hold fast to our Church Of Christ membership and continue in our services…
Treasuring God’s words
There really is no way we can elude problems. At every turn and bend, we are bound to meet one. Truly so for our earthly journey is never a smooth one.
Where faith should lead
The way of salvation that we should follow is that which the Savior Himself, our Lord Jesus Christ, taught as written in the Bible …
On having patience and praying
With God, His servants can overcome their worries and frustrations in life. They need to believe in the value and efficacy of praying to Him …
No reason for despair
THE PREVALENCE OF HOPELESSNESS and of people resorting to criminal acts when they find themselves in dire straits can be interpreted as…
‘Let him who glories glory in this’
THE LORD ALMIGHTY declares, “Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches …