Corpus Christi, Edinburg congregations in Texas hold evangelical missions


Date Posted: May 16, 2024

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The local congregations of Corpus Christi and Edinburg, both under the jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical District of Texas, held simultaneous evangelical missions on April 29, 2024. Brother Matt Karl Talens and Brother Ferdie Febre, both ministers of the gospel, led the study of God’s words, respectively.

The ministers preached about the significance of receiving and obeying God’s pristine words written in the Bible, one of which is the indispensability of joining the Church Of Christ for one’s salvation on Judgment Day.

After the evangelical missions, the brethren ushered the guests to socializing programs.

“Everything I heard during the preaching was clear and I could easily confirm that what was taught is true being read from the Bible,” said Andrea Powell, a guest.

She went on saying, “I discern from the teaching that if we need to accept the Lord Jesus Christ in our life, we should also accept the truth that we need to be found members of His true Church. These truths are really important for me. I know they will guide me to know more about the Lord and thus, be saved.”

Robin Benavides, another guest, said that he “noticed that the crowd was so attentive, and so I did the same. I felt the warm welcome of this Church. It is so sincere in sharing the truth from the Bible.”

Both Benavides and Powell, among other guests, expressed their desire to know more the biblical doctrines upheld by the Church Of Christ. — With reports from Robert Jimenez of INC News Section