Evangelical mission in Wyndham underscores importance of the true Church


Date Posted: March 19, 2024

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“Man must enter the true Church for him to be saved on Judgment Day. The Bible proves that in these last days, it is the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ).”

Such biblical truth Brother Edmark Velasco, resident minister of the Local Congregation of Wyndham, Victoria, in the Ecclesiastical District of Australia West, emphasized during the evangelical mission he led in the Tarneit Community Learning Centre, situated at 150 Sunset Views Boulevard Tarneit VIC 3029, Australia on February 25, 2024.

Prior to the event, the brethren went around to the neighborhood, inviting their friends, and acquaintances. With God’s help, many guests turned out for the evangelical mission later that day.

Aside from the proclamation of God’s words, the guests were also shown a video presentation introducing the Church Of Christ.

Angelique Balitaan, one of the guests said, “I am grateful because I was invited in the evangelical mission. I have learned that people must join the true Church to dwell in the Holy City.”

“Today’s INC activity was very informative. From the video presentation that we watched to the preaching of God’s words, I can say that I’ve understood some of the biblical doctrines upheld by the Church,” said Cesar Manuel, also one of the guests. Thus, he added, “I would like to continue examining the doctrines of the Church.” — With reports from Jennelin Guanzon of INC News Section