More than 200 baptized in Quezon City District


Date Posted: June 11, 2024

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For the month of May, the Ecclesiastical District of Quezon City’s work of propagating the pure gospel resulted in the addition of a total of 233 new members.

They were formally admitted into the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) during their baptism which was held at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of San Francisco on May 25, 2024.

Brother Virgilio A. Del Rosario Sr., district supervising minister, officiated at the baptismal service immediately prior to the baptism proper. In his sermon, he reminded the would-be members the great blessing they were about to receive, which included the right to the true worship of God and the sure hope for salvation. He also reiterated that their joining the Church should be motivated by firm faith in the words of God written in the Bible that were taught to them.

On the case of Jarrod Bailey, who hails from Georgia, USA and currently residing in Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines, one of those biblical teachings is about the true God.  “I was convinced that this is the true Church, especially upon hearing about the true God. In my former religion, they teach that there is a triune god. However, the Church Of Christ echoes exactly what is in the Bible, that the true God is none other than the Father in heaven,” he said in an interview after the baptism.

To further inspire the candidates for baptism to remain faithful Church members amid trials and persecutions, Brother Del Rosario quoted from the Bible the promise of the Savior Jesus Christ that those who patiently endure to the end will be saved.

“I am so overjoyed, now that I am a full-fledged Church member, especially as I look back at the trials that I have gone through just to reach this day,” another new member, Marionette Panelo, said. “I battled persecution … while I searched for a stable means of living and continued my college studies. Despite this, I longed most for the day of my baptism to come, and now, God has answered my prayers.”

After the homily, Panelo, Bailey, and their fellow baptismal candidates took their oath of membership as administered by Brother Danilo J. Gala Jr., assistant district supervising minister.

As of this writing, the Quezon City District, through the Light of Salvation Committee and its counterpart in every local congregation, was busy preparing for the next batch of candidates for the baptism scheduled this month. 

“Led by the ministers, ministerial workers, and Church officers, [brethren in] the District of Quezon City will continue to unite with the Church Administration in all endeavors, such as the work of propagation, so that we, as God’s people, can give joy to Him,” said Brother Del Rosario in an interview. — With reports from Kyle Ronuald M. Arellano