Negros Oriental holds simultaneous baptisms


Date Posted: April 19, 2024

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On March 24, 2024, the Ecclesiastical District of Negros Oriental, in the Philippines, held simultaneous baptismal gatherings at the houses of worship of the Local Congregations of Dumaguete City and Bayawan City.

These holy occasions were officiated by Brother Renato Callejo, district supervising minister, and Brother James Jaspher Villanueva, assistant district supervising minister, respectively. In their homilies, they reminded the attendees that, as outlined in the Bible, servants of God must faithfully walk in His ways or be obedient to all of His commandments until the end to receive salvation on Judgment Day.

“The unwavering efforts of the brethren in making known the words of God to our fellowmen have proven fruitful, as many prospective members received baptism today,” attested Brother Marcelino Magtalas, district Light Of Salvation (LOS) overseer.

After the study of God’s words was the prospective members’ taking oath of membership, and then, their baptism.

“I thank our Lord God for this great blessing I’ve received. I am now a bona fide member of the Church and have the hope of receiving salvation on Judgment Day,” enthused Crystal Morcilla, one of the newly baptized from Valencia Congregation. When asked about what she experienced prior to her baptism, she shared, “It was not easy facing many persecutions, but through constant prayers and remaining faithful, I withstood them and received baptism today.”

Also, a newly baptized, Jovy Rose Olores from Bacong Congregation expressed, “My heart overflows with joy as I received baptism today. I vow to God that I will remain steadfast in the Church and obedient to His commandments, to ensure salvation on Judgment Day no matter what the circumstances.” — With reports from Blessie Rempillo of INC News Section