Propagational works continue in Thailand


Date Posted: May 23, 2024

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Efforts of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members in the Ecclesiastical District of Thailand in bringing Good News to more people continue to show positive results as the district conducted a baptism on April 27, 2024 and two days after, many guests attended the evangelical mission.

The baptism was held at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Bangkok, which Brother Willen Regalado officiated.

During the baptismal gathering, the district supervising minister taught the candidates for baptism the importance of upholding their membership in the Church, which is proven by remaining steadfast in the faith until the end to receive salvation on Judgment Day.

Robinson Kioeg, an English teacher and one of the newly baptized, who traveled 15 kms away from Nonthaburi to Bangkok for his much-awaited baptism, enthused, “I am very happy because I am now a full-fledged member of the Church.” When asked what made him decide to join the Church, he said, “The teachings of the Church are truly rooted from the Bible.”

On April 29 was the district-wide evangelical mission. Brother Regalado led the proclamation of God’s words written in the Bible at the Bangkok Congregation’s house of worship, which served as the host site, other local congregations connected to it via livestreaming.

During the study of God’s words, Brother Regalado taught to all attendees the necessary preparation, primarily joining the true Church, towards receiving salvation on Judgment Day.

Many guests attended the evangelical mission, as a result of brethren going door-to-door at their respective neighborhoods to distribute copies of the Pasugo: God’s Message magazine and invitations, days prior to this district-wide event.

“I’m grateful having been able to listen to God’s words upheld by the Church,” said Rica Mae Callejo, a guest. “I learned what God wants people to do in order to receive salvation, that is, to enter the Church Of Christ,” she added. — With reports from Sandra Costales of INC News Section