Special gathering in British Columbia District uplifts migrant workers’ faith


Date Posted: May 17, 2024

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“Being away from my family is one of the challenges of working abroad. But the Church Administration’s unceasing preaching of God’s words, such as today’s event, uplifts me in the faith as I continue working here to support my family,” shared Abby Mostajo, a choir member in the Local Congregation of Burnaby, upon attending the special gathering of migrant workers held by the Ecclesiastical District of British Columbia, Canada, on May 6, 2024.

Brother Glendo Baitan, district supervising minister, officiated at the said occasion that was held at the house of worship of the Local Congregation of Burnaby.

During the study of God’s words, Brother Baitan admonished all the attendees to always find solace, inspiration, and happiness in obeying the words of God. Despite the challenges that they face, the district supervising minister emphasized the importance of remaining dedicated in their services to God, among their other duties in the Church, until the end to be worthy of His blessings in this life and in the life to come.

“I’m so happy that I was able to attend the special gathering today,” enthused Felix Gomintong, a secretary from the Local Congregation of Maple Ridge. “It has truly uplifted me in the faith and has inspired me to continue serving God even in the face of adversities.”

On behalf of his fellow ministers and Church officers, Brother Gilbert Maniego, district edification overseer, said, “We will continue to oversee, love, and guide the brethren.” — With reports from INC News Section