The best refuge there is

Especially in these trying times, there is no better refuge for us than our Lord God. We can always depend on Him for He is Almighty and all-knowing.


IN A WORLD full of difficulties and afflictions, not to mention iniquity and strife, all of which pose a danger to people’s lives, security and comfort are considered a luxury—something to be desired but costly and hard to come by. And yet one truly needs shelter from such harsh living conditions, a refuge that can provide one safety and protection.

There are people who seek refuge from others whom they believe can help them out of their predicaments or solve their problems. Often, however, they find themselves in disappointment when those people whom they rely on to give them support fail to do so. So, isn’t it for our benefit to reconsider placing our complete trust in fellow humans who need refuge themselves?

Our best refuge

The Bible tells us who our best refuge is, above everyone else:

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” (Ps. 118:8‒9 New International Version)

Especially in these trying times, there is no better refuge for us than our Lord God. We can always depend on God for He is Almighty (Gen. 35:11) and all-knowing (I John 3:20). He knows not only what is happening at present but also what is bound to happen in the days to come—like the impending dangers, calamities, and disasters that threaten this world. Hence, it is best that we take refuge in Him.

To take refuge in the Almighty God is to call on Him especially in times of distress:

“In my distress I called to the Lord; he answered me and set me free. The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid; what can anyone do to me?” (Ps. 118:5‒6 Good News Bible)

When God answers our prayers, we will surely feel safe and secure. So, in these precarious times, we should all the more place our trust in God and make Him our refuge.

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.”

Psalm 118:8‒9

New International Version

Acknowledge and obey God

To certainly receive blessings from God, those who trust in Him must acknowledge Him in all their ways:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

“My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, … So you will find favor and good success in the sight of God and man.” (Prov. 3:5‒6, 1 & 4 English Standard Version)

Those who trust and acknowledge God will find favor and good success. Thus, for our taking refuge in God not to be in vain, we should trust and acknowledge Him. And this is proven by not forgetting His teachings and keeping His commands, because to acknowledge or know God is to obey His commandments (I John 2:3).

The Bible regards those who claim to acknowledge and trust God yet disobey His commandments as liars (I John 2:4). So when they plead for His mercy and help, God will find their prayers too hateful to hear (Prov. 28:9 gnb). Therefore, taking refuge in God entails obedience to His commands.

Certainty of being heard

Obedience is indeed necessary to be heard by God and take refuge in Him. The Apostle John emphasized, thus:

“And we will receive from him whatever we ask because we obey him and do the things that please him.” (I John 3:22 New Living Translation)

“In my distress I called to the Lord; he answered me and set me free. The Lord is with me, I will not be afraid; what can anyone do to me?”

Psalm 118:5‒6

Good News Bible

One clear commandment of God that one needs to obey in order for God to hear his prayers is for one to look for the “good way” and walk in it:

“This is what the Lord says: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it’.” (Jer. 6:16 NIV)

The “good way” is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ (John 14:6), Who is also the way or “door” through which people should enter into the fold (John 10:9 Revised English Bible). The fold or flock is the Church Of Christ:

“Take heed therefore to yourselves and to all the flock over which the Holy Spirit has appointed you overseers, to feed the church of Christ which he has purchased with his blood.” (Acts 20:28 Lamsa Translation)

Hence, for one’s prayer to be answered by God, he must first become a member of the Church Of Christ—for this is God’s command. We are certain of this because Christ Himself assures the parts of His body or Church (Col. 1:18) or His branches—as Christ is the vine (John 15:5)—that, “whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you” (John 15:16 NKJV).

Hence, the necessity of the Church Of Christ for one to be able to take refuge in God cannot be overstated. Whatever the condition of life in this world may be, faithful members of the Church Of Christ are most blessed. They can take refuge in God; when they call on Him, He will hear them and answer their prayers. He will care for them and save them from harm.

May every one of us receive these blessings of God. Amidst the various difficulties in life, may we all experience the joy that God promises to those who take refuge in Him by becoming faithful members of the Church Of Christ.