Toronto Congregation’s INC Giving activity benefits police officers


Date Posted: May 20, 2024

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Members of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) in the Local Congregation of TorontoEcclesiastical District of Greater Toronto, united for a “Police Appreciation Day,” on April 27, 2024. Part of an INC Giving initiative, it was organized to honor the police constables serving at Division 22, stationed at 3699 Bloor Street, in Etobicoke, Ontario.

“Thank you for showing your support to us,” expressed Mihramat Gill, one of the constables present. “Your presence and this gesture hold immense significance for us in law enforcement. We really appreciate you coming here and being with us.”

Led by Brother Sherwin John De Jesus, resident minister, the brethren went to the station to conduct the activity. It commenced with an introduction to the Church Of Christ, focusing on the INC Giving project, aimed at enlightening the police about the positive contributions made by the members of the Church Of Christ within the community. It also served as an opportunity to share insights not only about the good works but most especially the biblical doctrines upheld by the Church.

This was followed by a song and dance performance by members of the Children’s Worship Service (CWS). Afterwards, the brethren handed over gift baskets filled with fruits, snacks, coffee, and tea to the hardworking police officers dedicated to ensuring the safety of the community.

Danielle Batoon, a choir member and Binhi president, said, “It’s our hope that the police officers were able to feel the deep gratitude that came from the hearts of those in attendance, most especially the youth, through this activity. Such endeavor was a great way to be united with the Church Administration in doing good to others at all opportune times and in showing our concern to our fellowmen.”

Part of his closing remarks, Brother De Jesus, on behalf of the brethren, conveyed, “We really appreciate your dedication, service to protect and make this community safe and peaceful. This activity is part of our efforts to show our support to those who serve the community.” — With reports from Christine Monterde of INC News Section