Apia, Samoa GWS brethren unite in pamphlet distribution, evangelical mission


Date Posted: August 24, 2023

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To share the true Christian faith to their fellowmen, Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church Of Christ) members from Apia, Samoa Group Worship Service (GWS) in the Ecclesiastical District of Australia West held a pamphlet distribution and an evangelical mission a day apart from each other.

On July 22, 2023 the brethren united in handing out free copies of pamphlets introducing the Iglesia Ni Cristo along the streets of Apia, the Samoan island’s capital. And on the 24th, they once acted as one in inviting their neighbors and acquaintances to attend the evangelical mission that would be held at their place of worship located in Vaitele Palm, Apia, Upolu.

Brother Robert Santos, a minister of the gospel, officiated at the evangelical mission. Citing verses from the Bible, he proved that the emergence of the Church Of Christ in the Philippines on July 27, 1914 is the fulfillment of God’s prophecies regarding His Messenger and people in these last days. Afterwards, videos about the Iglesia Ni Cristo and its God-given victories over the past years were presented to the guests.

Brother Santos expressed high hopes that the “guests found the lesson preached to be clear concerning the emergence of the INC from the Philippines on July 27, 1914” and that “the videos that were shown to be eye-opening because they saw the victories of the Church Of Christ and the fulfilment of God’s prophecies through His Last Messenger, Brother Felix Manalo.”

“One of our guests, Mr. Nixon Mataia, is a pastor from the Zion City Christian Ministries Church,” the minister added. “Together with his wife, they were … amazed of the many victories and successes that the Church Of Christ has reaped within only a span of 109 years.”  — With reports from Quiza Quiñola of INC News Section